Situated in bustling Los Angeles, California fashion designer Jenni Kayne and Belgian architect Vincent Van Duysen have created the dream of a serene escape and tranquility, a dream that Riviera Bronze was delighted to help bring to fruition.
As an exploration of light and space the home features Riviera Bronze custom windows and doors throughout, including a floor to ceiling, pocket sliding glass window in our metalized dark bronze finish. The window itself takes place of an entire wall and provides ample view of the exterior hillside and opens to allow the space to breathe and meld with the surrounding environment. The interplay between Riviera Bronze windows and doors provides the perfect portal through which to view the stunning landscapes designed by Christine London Ltd. From serene and spacious experiences in the primary bath to the more cozy and intimate doorway to the firepit Riviera Bronze continues to facilitate designers and creators in realizing their visions. These units are designed with utmost care in sunny Ventura, California using our own specialized steel profiles from Swiss steel fabricator Montenstahl and with Belgiun made Van Croneburg hardware. Riviera Bronze systems are available in precision steel, solid stainless and thermally-broken stainless steel and ne
To see more please view our work as featured in Architectural Digest here.