The Santa Barbara Inn, comfortably nestled on quaint East Beach in Santa Barbara, California, is just a few short months away from re-opening its doors. The hotel has been closed for two years for major renovations with the end result being beautifully magnificent.

A key element with the renovations are Riviera Bronze Steel Doors & Steel Windows.

The inn is not only the namesake of this beautiful beach town, but is rapidly becoming a landmark with its Spanish-style design and multiple golden domes gracing the highest points of the boutique hotel. In addition to these incredible features, the hotel is also the home of multiple steel units designed, manufactured and installed by Riviera Bronze.

“Riviera Bronze was definitely our first choice,” said Michael Gunner of Gunner Companies, builder and Management Company of the new-and-improved SB Inn. “I’ve had great experiences with you guys.”

The artisans at Riviera Bronze are excited to complete each project, but Santa Barbara Inn was especially intriguing as this would be the first hotel remodel done by the steel door and window manufacturer.

“It’s a whole repackaging, definitely an upgrade—a significant upgrade,” said William LaVoie, Design Architect for Santa Barbara Inn. “It was always a nice hotel, but now it’s a wonderful hotel. We like that we’ve created a landmark that has become a notorious building.”

The Inn is expected to open its doors in late summer 2016 and hopes to begin taking advanced reservations in the coming weeks.

For more information on the Santa Barbara Inn renovations, visit their website at, and for more information on Riviera Bronze and our completed projects, visit our gallery here.